Clan Fergusson Society of North America - Canada and the U.S.

Regional VPs

RVP-BoO-BlueBkgrnd Regional Vice-Presidents


I NB NF NS PE FergusonCrest (Vacant)
II CT MA ME NH NJ NY PA RI VT Martain Fergusonrs Martain Ferguson
Fayetteville, PA
After working in fields such as loss prevention management, bakery management, computer & network repair, and healthcare, Martain moved to camp management in 2003, where he is able to put skills learned in those past jobs to use. He was a member of a volunteer fire company for close to 15 years, and was a CPR and non-violent intervention instructor. In 2008 he married his wife Kim, and together they have three children. Martain became interested in his Scottish heritage after attending “Celtic Classic” in Bethlehem PA, back in the 1990’s, and was excited to learn about and join the CFSNA.
III DC DE KY MD NC SC TN VA WV David B. Ferguson
Buckhnannon, WV
IV FL GA LA MS PR Mark Ferguson
Atlanta, GA
Mark Ferguson was born in Helensburgh, Scotland and has a great affection for his home country despite having left there after he graduated from Strathclyde University in Glasgow in 1983. He embarked on an international career in soft drinks and has lived and worked in England, Belgium, Austria, Ireland and the United States. Mark recently took early retirement from The Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, GA and is now President of PAALMCoaching an executive business coaching concern. He has been married to Elaine for over 29 years and has a son and a daughter. Mark is an accomplished amateur singer, speaker, writer and has a particular love of Burns which was taught as a compulsory part of the Scottish Schools curriculum!
V AR KS MO NM OK TX RVP5LisaFergusonCady2 Lisa Ferguson Cady
Van Buren AR
VI (appointed pending election) IL IN  MI OH Michael Smith
Plainfield, IN
VII ON QC RVP7StevenPayson Steven J.M. Payson
St. Thomas, ON Canada
VIII AB MB NT NU SK FergusonCrest James W. Ferguson
Brandon, MB Canada
IX IA MN ND NE SD WI FergusonCrest Nora Leverson
New Hope, MN
X CO MT UT WY  Dana Ferguson Dana Ferguson
Peyton, CO
Dana served eighteen years in the military, nine of them in the USMC on active duty, and six in the Army Reserves and the Army National Guard. Currently, Dana works as a Strategic Alliances – Manager in Wireless High Tech. He and his wife, Kerry, live in Peyton, CO on a small hobby ranch. They have three children and one new grandchild.
XI AZ CA  HI NV Adrienne Tomkins Adrienne Tomkins
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Adrienne is a professional genealogist and has held the position of CFSNA Genealogist and Editor of The Bee Line for the last several years. She has also represented Clan Fergusson at many Scottish events in California since 2015. Adrienne and her husband, Scott, live with their two children in Walnut Creek, CA.
XII AK BC  ID OR YT WA FergusonCrest Neal Ferguson
Renton, WA
Neal is a graduate of the University of Montana, and the University of Southern California. He served 24 years in the US Army including one combat tour in the Middle East. He worked for the Boeing Company for 13 years as a Senior Manager and Chief Engineer. He and his wife Darlene are retired and live in Renton Washington.