Clan Fergusson Society of North America - Canada and the U.S.



WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service requires a plan or policy for regulating disbursements from the Charitable Trust of the Clan Fergusson Society of North America; and

WHEREAS, the Trustees of the aforesaid trust desire to comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service;

NOW, THEREFORE, we the Trustees of the aforesaid trust do hereby establish and promulgate the following policies to govern the administration of the Trust this 1st day of January 1, 2023.


1. The Trustees shall review all requests for relief, scholarship awards, grants or funds, to insure that such requests are bona fide and that disbursements are for charitable purposes as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

2. Contributions to other organizations or funds may be made only if the purpose of such organization or fund is consistent with the purposes of the Trust and such organization or fund is exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


3. Disbursements for relief shall be on the basis of need, want, or distress. It is especially intended that the Trust be applied in worthy causes in which relief may not readily be available from usual institutional or governmental sources.

4. Insofar as is practicable, direct gifts as of cash shall not be made in relief cases where assistance can be given by direct payment for necessary articles such as food, clothing, shelter, fuel, etc. and for hospital, medical or other assistance.

5. Disbursements for educational purposes shall be based on competition. When awards are made for educational purposes, the Trustees shall inform the public of the following:
a) A description of the award being offered,
b) Eligibility requirements for participating in the award,
c) The requirements, forms, and procedures to apply for the award,
d) The rules for participating in the award,
e) The general standards to be applied in selecting applicants for the award.

6. The general purposes for which educational assistance awards are:
a) Payment of tuition fees, books and equipment necessary for vocational training or education.
b) Establishment of scholarships, fellowships or grants to be awarded for study at academic institutions of the applicant’s choice.
c) Establishment of prizes to be awarded in essay or other cultural contests, which may be conducted in the fields of Scottish history, literature, music or art.

(SEAL) ______________________________________________________
Della Ferguson, Trustee

(SEAL) ______________________________________________________
Martain Ferguson, Trustee

(SEAL) ______________________________________________________
Larry Ferguson, Trustee

(SEAL) ______________________________________________________
Kim Ferguson, Trustee

Charitable Trust of the Clan Fergusson Society of North America
Scholarship Application
School year 20 __________ / 20 _________

Name ______________________________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)

Permanent Mailing Address _______________________________________________________
(City) (State) (Zip)

Temporary Address _____________________________________________________________

Until ___________________________________ 20 __________

Telephone # ____________________________ E-mail _________________________________

Birth Date ______________________________Birth Place ______________________________

Citizenship Status ________________________Marital Status ___________________________

Please note, the following requirements and attachments that form part of the application process:

1. Statement of financial resources on the form provided.

2. Recommendation from two people acquainted with the applicant’s academic or work experience. This to be sent directly to the Secretary. List the names of the references:

(Name) (Position)

(Name) (Position)

3. Statement of goals and plans: An essay treating the following questions:

a) What are your life goals and how does the course of study you are proposing to follow move you toward those goals?

b) What factors have influenced your formulation of those goals?

c) Why did you select the institution at which you plan to enroll?

d) In what vocational capacity do you see yourself one year after completing your training? Ten years after completing your training?

4. A current photo of yourself.



Charitable Trust of the Clan Fergusson Society of North America
Scholarship Application
School year 20 __________ / 20 _________

Name _________________________________________________________________________

List all institutions of higher learning you have attended, whether or not credit was received for courses taken. List only the secondary (high school or equivalent) from which you graduated:

Name Location Dates Degree/Date

Secondary _____________________________________________________________________

Colleges, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________



Undergraduate average: In all subjects ________________ In major field __________________

Describe grading system used ______________________________________________________

State reason for leaving any school at which study did not terminate in a degree:


At what institution do you propose to enroll (name and location)?


Status of your application _________________________________________________________

Program of study or training you propose to pursue _____________________________________


List any academic honors or citations for leadership you have received:


List any extracurricular activities that you believe give evidence of leadership, skill, excellence of performance, or high levels of responsibility __________________________________________




Charitable Trust of the Clan Fergusson Society of North America
Scholarship Application
School year 20 __________ / 20 _________

Name _________________________________________________________________________

Vocational Experience:

Organization/City Position Dates Salary/Wages




Military or Government Service (Describe) ___________________________________________



List any grants for study, scholarships, assistantships, fellowships or other financial assistance you have received previously:




I certify that the information contained in this application and all attachments and supporting documents is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I will provide supplementary documentary evidence upon request. I understand that any willful misstatement may result in my application being rejected or any grant withdrawn.

______________________________ _______________________________________
Date Signature

Please print name



Charitable Trust of the Clan Fergusson Society of North America
Scholarship Application
School year 20 __________ / 20 _________

Name _________________________________________________________________________


Educational institution for which scholarship is sought __________________________________

Marital Status __________________ Number of dependents _____________________________
(List by name and relationship on separate sheet)
Father, Stepfather, or Male Guardian

Name ________________________________________________________ Age ____________

Home Address __________________________________________________________________

Occupation _____________________________________________ Title ___________________

Employed by ____________________________________________Since __________________

Mother, Stepmother, or Female Guardian

Name ________________________________________________________ Age ____________

Home Address __________________________________________________________________

Occupation _____________________________________________ Title ___________________

Employed by ___________________________________________ Since __________________


Name ________________________________________________________ Age ____________

Home Address __________________________________________________________________

Occupation _____________________________________________ Title ___________________

Employed by ____________________________________________Since __________________

List brother and sisters, their ages and present educational or vocations status:


Combined Annual Family Income: $10,000 – $25,000 ____ $40,000 – $60,000 ____

$25,000 – $40,000 ____ $60,000 – over ____



Charitable Trust of the Clan Fergusson Society of North America
Scholarship Application
School year 20 __________ / 20 _________

Name _____________________________________ Statement of Financial Resources (Page 2)

Applicant’s Assets

Bank accounts — checking, savings, certificates of deposit, etc. _____________
Other investments _____________
Equity in real estate _____________
Interest in trusts or estates _____________
Other assets not listed above _____________
TOTAL ASSETS _____________
Projected Academic Year Income

Applicant’s summer income from all sources after federal, state, local taxes
and social security withholding _____________
Total support expected from parent(s), relatives, and spouse (including
board at home if listed below) _____________
Academic year salaries and wages after taxes, FICA _____________
Social Security education benefits, if any _____________
Veterans’ or GI Bill benefits, if any _____________
Other scholarships, fellowships, loans and educational grants (itemize
on separate sheet) _____________
Income tax refunds _____________

Projected Academic Year Expense

Tuition and fees _____________
Books, equipment, and supplies _____________
Housing _____________
Food _____________
Clothing, laundry, and cleaning _____________
Transportation _____________
Medical and dental _____________
Debt repayment (explain on separate sheet) _____________
Other expense (explain on separate sheet) _____________

I affirm that the financial information above is complete and the projection accurate to the best of my knowledge.
______________ _______________________________________
Date Signature