Clan Fergusson Society of North America - Canada and the U.S.


Badges of Office

(Note: The badges shown below are not to equal scale. In reality they are all the same size except for the President’s badge, which is only slightly larger than the other three.)

Pres-BoO-BlueBkgrnd President
EC-BoO-BlueBkgrnd Executive Committee Senior V.P., Secretary, and Treasurer (the President is also a member of the E.C. but has a separate badge)
RVP-BoO-BlueBkgrnd Regional Vice President Regions 1 through 12
Committee-BoO-BlueBkgrnd Staff Examples include Quartermaster, Genealogist, Editor of The Bee Line, Historian, Convener, and Membership Coordinator
Shoulder Boards

Officially authorized, optionally worn.
